The days have been cold. Very, very cold. It's not even close to being warm enough to play in the snow. We are starting to get cabin fever! Good thing Uncle Jason and Aunt Andrea gave us a great Science Kit for Kids. This week when Owen was at school, I decided to let Eli have his hand at being "like Daddy" with this great kit. This involved food coloring so I thought the best place to set up shop was near water. I started by letting Eli just play with the bubbles in the sink. I think he would have been happy with just doing that. Then, I started showing him how food coloring changes water and he was enthralled. We made every color we could...even black (you know, combining all the colors...that was the most fun for him).
I love my days just with Eli and Ella. Sometimes I feel like Eli won't get that one-on-one time that Owen got or Ella will get, so I treasure the times when it's just me and my little buddy.

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