Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Last night my Grandma Owen past away. She leaves a beautiful legacy of God's strength, simplicity and fortitude. I know she is home with her heavenly Father. I know she was ready to go, but I still want to be able to go see my Grandpa playing a song on his guitar for her, to see them holding hands, to hear her stories of simple faith and trust in God. She taught me so much about loving life the way it is. No frills, no fuss, just loving God's creation and all the blessings and heart aches that come with it. I love you Grandma. Thank you for leading a life that I will cherish forever.


Lincoln's bLog said...

Prayers, thoughts & love to you & your family!

Gracie & her family love you! :)

beegracious said...

Sorry to hear about this...what a sweet tribute to her!

Hope to see you soon!

C. said...

i am SO sorry, 'em. i just read your post....i know you are hurting, but your mind is in the right place, she IS home, and she lives forever in YOU too, sweetie.
i love you so much----

Chip & Chels said...

Aw, I'm sorry to hear the news about your grandma, Em. Such wonderful pics of her with Eli. How sweet. You're in our thoughts and prayers now and always.